Tuesday, September 1, 2009
We are in Montana!
We are now living in Montana and loving it. We arrived about 2 weeks ago yesterday, The main house is not done yet but should be finished in about 3-4 weeks. We built a guest house on the the East side of the house. And the guest house is done so we are living in it until we can move in to the main house. Here is the most recent picture of the house Yes we need a yard really bad but we won't put it in until all the big trucks are done come into the front yard.
We got here just in time for Wes to start Two a days for football. He seems to be enjoy playing he is just tired they had scrimmage game last Friday night then after there was a Water melon party Everyone just talked and ate Watermelon. Wes started Seminary yesterday it is nice because it does not start until 7:00 am. He seems to like his teacher. He is getting adjusted to the new school.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Life gets busy.
Well I am not as good at this as everyone else. I feel like live just gets to busy to stop and talk about it. We have been up to Idaho and Montana two times in the past 6 weeks . First we went up for spring break then we went up because Ryanne and Dallin and Ashley all graduated from BYUI. Ryanne graduated with a secondary Education degree, Dallin Graduated with a Biology major Chemistry minor. ( he his going on to medical school ) And Ashley graduated with a Nursing degree. We are so glad for them to be done with school or at least this part of school.
Trevor is doing great. He says that he has not seen any problems going on in Thailand. He says the people there are wonderful. He is definitely loving his mission. He has not sent any pictures lately so I don't have any to post.
The house is coming along I will have to post pictures later. It is not alot of fun to build a house long distance. Good thing for a good builder.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Trevor update.
Here are a few picture of Trevor. The first picture was taken At the MTC. It is him and his friend Ryan Miller they were in the MTC together they had not seen each other for a few years because the Millers had moved to Boise about 4 years ago. the nest picture is Ryan and Trevor when they were little boys. Trevor is really enjoying Thailand. He says the people there are very kind and friendly. He does say that it is hot and humid and he is one that hates the heat. But he seems very positive. He has tried a few unusual things to eat here is a plate of scorpions. He said that they taste like sunflower seeds. He really does love the food there. Not necessary the exoctic things.
Monday, February 2, 2009
I am going to give this a try!!!!
Brittnee keeps telling me I need to blog so that I can keep others informed about Trevors progress in the mission field and about our move to Montana. Yes we are going to move hopefully by this summer. Kind of a scary but exciting new adventure for us.( Us meaning Gary I and Wes) The rest of the family will come when they are all done with school. (We hope)
This our house in Montana. Its got along ways to go to be done. We are building in a place right out of Bozeman. It is a town called Three Forks.
Trevor is doing Well in Thailand he is up in the northern part of Thailand in a place called Siisaket. It is on the boardor of Loas and Cambodia. He has been in Thailand for 2 weeks now. He had to spend 3 months in the MTC because speaking Thai is difficult. He seems really excited.
Here is Trevor Just before he entered the MTC. I will have to load pictures as we get them.
I am truely amazed that I was able to even put a picture on this post because I am so bad at doing computer things.
More to come later.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
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